Victor Ishchuk

Principal dancer at National Opera of Ukraine
Founder of La Prima ballet school at International center of culture and arts “October Palace”
Founder, Choreographer and Principal dancer at Ukrainian Classical Ballet

Born in 1983

In 2001 he graduated from the Kiev Municipal Academy of Dance named after Serge Lifar

In the same year he became an artist of the ballet troupe of the Kiev National Opera of Ukraine

In 2002 became a soloist

In 2005 became the leading soloist of the “Premiere of Ballet”

In 1996, became the owner of a special prize “Hope” at an international competition ballet dancers named after Serge Lifar

In 1998 won the Gold Medal at an international competition ballet dancers in Vienna (Austria)

In 1999 he won the Grand Prix at the youth international competition of artists ballet “Fuete Artek”

In 1999 became the winner of the Ukrainian National Program “Man of the Year” in the nomination “Young Talent”

In 2005 won the Gold Medal at an international competition ballet dancers named after Yuri Grigorovich in Moscow

In 2006 became a laureate of the international ballet competition in Jackson Mississippi (USA)

Leading roles in ballets in the repertoire:

The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote, Giselle, Corsair, La Sylphide, La Bayadere, Raymond, Carmen, Scheherazade, Chopiniana, Vision of the Rose, Esmeralda, Romeo and Juliet and others.

He participated in international festivals:

“Balletisimo” Mexico City, “Tributto a Rudolf Nureev” Milan, “Dance Open” St. Petersburg “Mickelle” Finland and others, and also took part in gala concerts and tours in Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Switzerland, Spain, China and others.